“Sam” is a ten-year-old boy who yearns to become the biggest detective in the world. To reach his goal he has everything but a first-rate assistant! A miracle occurs: an imaginary friend, like what Sam has imagined, becomes his assistant, but the friend has a big difference with Sam’s imagination! He is interested in doing evil acts because he has been the imaginary friend of many evil
people in the world. Is Sam able to solve the world’s biggest detective cases?

Project Introduction

Episodes: 52*11 minute
Technique: CGI (3D and 2D)
format: 16/9
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
Audience: 8+

Summary of the plan

“Sam” is a curious agile boy with a fighting spirit. He lives in a small settlement with his mother and his 5-year-old sister, Sonia. His interest is to solve the police-riddle subjects and cases. To success, Sam has an only wish: having a perfect assistant that with their help he could prove him­self and become a famous detective.
The night when “farnood”, Sam’s laid-bock friend, comes to Sam’s home to watch a shooting star, Sam draws his own dream assistant. farnood that always follows Sam’s acts also draws an imaginary friend for himself. Sam’s drawing is changed to a monster by Sonia; and farnood’s is like a rectangle since he has no skill in drawing! A little after the shooting star passes away, their dreams come true and the two imaginary friends join Sam, farnood, and Sonia.
With these two imaginary friends, Bob and General, who are only visible to the children, Sam establishes a group with the leadership of himself to solve the riddles.
The subject of Sam’s mysterious cases is wonderful, varied, and fun stories, that in addition to entertainment, make the audiences start imagining while watching them.


Here are the Characters:


The series take place in a settlement of the city. The settlement consists of several blocks. Sam’s apartment is in one of the blocks and on the third floor. first floor of the building is also where farnood lives. Sam’s grandfather lives in the middle one. In addition to the individual interiors of each apartment, the lobby space, elevator, hallways, and the radiator heater room of the building are also places where adventures take place. Moreover, there’s a big playground in the center that has big toys and nested locations.