Meet Chiya, a curious little boy with a boundless sense of wonder. Living with his parents and his magical cloth doll, Shiraabi, who comes to life just for him, Chiya’s days are filled with discovery and joy. His garden friend, Bee, along with Bee’s pals Moth and Ladybug, join Chiya on his adventures, making every moment an exciting learning experience.


In each episode, a question arises in Chiya’s mind, sparking his eagerness to learn and discover. He seeks answers from his friends, Shiraabi and Bee, and through their guidance, he learns something new about himself and the world around him.
The series covers topics such as the five senses, learning about seasons, geometric shapes, sizes of objects, play, drawing, numbers, different birds and plants, facing fears and recognizing dangerous objects, the importance of healthy eating, different tastes and flavors, the importance of order and cleanliness, oral hygiene, the importance of exercise, the joy of reading, and helping with household chores.

Audience: Kids, Preschool
Episodes: 156
Duration of each episode: 7 minutes

Visual Style

The animation style is colorful and vibrant, with a mix of familiar and fantastical elements. The visuals are designed to be engaging and appealing to young children, sparking their imagination.


Cross-Platform Distribution:
Games: Suitable for interactive games that allow children to join Chiya on his adventures, solving puzzles and learning new things.
Interactive Books: Digital books where children can interact with the story, making choices that influence the outcome.

Merchandise Potential:
Toys: Plush dolls of Chiya, Shiraabi, and Bee. Books: Storybooks and activity books featuring Chiya’s adventures.
Apparel: Clothing and accessories with characters from the show.
Educational Products: Puzzles, flashcards, and learning kits based on the show’s themes.


“Chiya” is a unique and engaging series that combines education and entertainment, making it a valuable addition to any children’s programming lineup. With its potential for cross-platform distribution and a wide range of merchandise,
“Chiya” is poised to become a beloved brand for young audiences.