Children can’t pick their own families; But if they could, there’s no doubt they wanted to be a Chamli!


Five tiny baby dinosaurs live their childish adventures on two islands on top of their parents’ backs. Each of the family members has a fantasy power and can use it by saying the word “Chamli”. Their fantasy breath powers include bubbles, thunder and lighting, soot, snow and ice, wind, fog, and rainbow.
Their physical and personal differences alongside their fantasy powers and the untouched islands inside the mysterious sea are enough to create stories filled with childish games and fantasies inside the adventuresome Chamli family!

Title: Chamli Land
Genre: Adventure, Family, Drama
Episodes: 52*7min.
Technique: CGI 2D
Format: 4K
Audience: 5+

Chamli Land and its Priorities for the Audience

Chamli Island has created fun and fantasy stories with a touch of comedy for ages fiue and aboue. The technique used in this series with seuen-minute  episodes  is cutout, a cutout with a cute character design, an attractiue and fun color palette, and color pencil and pastel textures that haue made the space extremely child­ friendly. This technique and its execution are pretty attractiue and eye-catching to the sharp eyes of a child who has seen the quality of international works in uarious mediums.

Stories that are filled  with the  playfulness,  imagination, and  childish mischieuousness of some dinosaur cubs, but are also full of friendship, the creatiue attention of the parents, family loue, and respect to the desires and presence of one another.

Euery episode of Chamli Island tells an original and entertaining story full of humorous moments between the children and parents in diuerse spaces with dynamic and pleasing animations for the young audience.

The humorous moments between the siblings (adopted  kids  with tangible differences),  their fights and make-ups (such as  little Alou getting upset and ruining the space mission game, the fact that Spino always wants to be pilot, etc.), and the issues familiar for toddlers and kids (such as Giga’s lack of self-confidence in dancing, or Minmi who demands euerything go as planned and ruins the snow queen game), the contradiction between the worlds of the parents and the kids (the children pulling an all-nighter the night that the father is sleepy or their aduenture searching for a treasure and getting trapped in a caue on their father’s back), and the short moments of adult interactions between the parents (the affection and sometimes conflicts between Dinamama and Dinapapa) make up the aduentures of Chamli islands. Aduentures that both children and parents are into! Stories that are a pleasant choice in the moments that the whole family sits together.


Here you can see some of the characters:

The Environments

The Chamli islands’ enuironment is one of its unique features (the islands that are on top of Dinamama and Dinapapa’s backs and act as an exciting carauan house in the middle of the uast ocean). Apart from the uisual beauties that are specific to a tropical and rocky island, the islands are perfect for made-up  missions,  hide and seek, and childish aduenture. Besides, the more personal spaces such as the treehouse with bedrooms inside it, the playing field made up of empty tree logs, the gigantic flowers, the peaceful and intrusion-free beach, the pool made by Dinamama’s tail curued into a ring on the beach, etc. make for a warm home and a dreamy space for euery dreaming child.
Besides the ones mentioned aboue, the spaces include a dining room, bathroom, and restroom in Dinamama’s green island, and rocky mountains, sandy hills, and a peak for stargazing on the back of Dinapapa.
Aside from that, the space under the sea and the blue sky also counts as spaces for the tiny dinosaurs’ aduentures as they sit on their parents’ heads.